Moldova’s Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020

Moldova’s Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020

In December 2023, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published the latest Global Status Report on Road Safety. In addition to providing a snapshot of current road safety data, the report looks back on the first Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 and the extent to which targets to halve road traffic deaths were met.

The report lists ten countries that met this target, showing that a 50% reduction in a decade is possible. With a further 15 countries coming close, reducing road deaths by between 40-49%. This includes the Republic of Moldova which, in 2010, had one of the highest road fatality rates in Europe.

EASST, with the support of the FIA Foundation Advocacy Hub, has been working to develop a case study report exploring how Moldova, the poorest country in Europe and one of the lowest income countries in the list, was able to achieve a steady decline in the number of road traffic crashes and casualties across the decade and (almost) meet the global target of reducing road fatalities by 50%.

As the report shows, Moldova’s achievement can be attributed to taking a collaborative, multidimensional approach – with the Government working in close cooperation with civil society organisations. In particular, the report covers the leading role played by the Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) and the key areas through which it focused its work during this time (including advocacy, police reform and road safety enforcement, occupational road safety management, post-crash response, and road safety education) and how these areas interconnect as part of a wider safe system approach.

While every country context is different, this report will provide insight and inspiration for other NGOs and stakeholders working to improve road safety in their countries and achieve the new global target to reduce road casualties by 50% by 2030.

With a second Decade of Action for Road Safety (2021-2030) now underway, Moldova has built important foundations and established a strong forward momentum upon which improvements made now can have an exponential impact. For example, in September 2022, after two years of ongoing advocacy work, 30km/h speed limits were included in amendments to the National Road Regulations in Moldova. They are one of the first countries in the world to make this change at a national level. This was a huge win for road safety and an important step forward in Moldova’s efforts to further reduce road casualties.